
You can explore the map straight away, but you'll need to sign up / log in to purchase data or access data you've previously purchased.

Sign up

Use the Sign Up button, top left to register for an account, selecting the appropriate type of different types of User account.


Once you have completed the form you will be emailed a link which must be clicked to confirm your email address and to activate your account. A valid current email address is needed in case we need to send you password reminder. Your email address will become your username, although you will be able to update your email address later if you wish (see View your account details).

Log in

If you already have an account, log in with your email address and password. If you lose your password, follow the link at the bottom of the login form.


View your account details

You can access your account details click on the main menu in the top right corner of the screen, Profile.


Here you can examine your order history, view and print detailed invoices, and perform other account management tasks such as changing your contact details and password.