Navigating around the map

To see the map, click on the dropdown menu next to the Map button on the top right side of the screen, and choose between Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Clicking on the Map button will directly open the last map you used.

You can switch between maps in the map window using the dropdown menu on the top right side of the screen. Great Britain and Northern Ireland appear in separate maps since they have different map coordinate systems and Ordnance Survey mapping.

Tip: see more of the map by switching your browser to full-screen by pressing F11. Press it again to switch back.


Moving around the map

Moving around the map should be familiar to users of web-based mapping systems such as Google Maps:

  • Click and drag to move or pan the map window
  • Use your mouse wheel to zoom in and out; alternatively, click the + and – sign buttons at the top right corner of the map


  • Hold down Shift and drag to “lasso” and select an area of the screen. Release the mouse to zoom in to the selected area

  • The bottom right corner of the map displays the current map scale, as well as the grid reference of the location under your mouse pointer.
