Search bar

You can find a search bar in the top left corner. You can search for either a place names or a grid location.

Searching for place names

Start typing a place name in the search bar. Matching names will be suggested in a drop down list. You can select the entry at the top of the list by pressing Enter, or you can choose one further down using the mouse or cursor keys.

The map will navigate to the location chosen and place a red marker in the map.

Searching for grid locations

The same search bar can be used to enter grid references/coordinates. It will accept the following formats: - Numeric references using digits for easting and northing, separated by a space, a colon, a comma, or a forward slash ‘/’. For example: - 524500/136350 - 524500 136350 - 524500, 136350

  • National Grid References using a two or one-letter prefix for Great Britain and Northern Ireland respectively, and between 4 and 10 digits. For example:
  • SU 0325
  • SU 30 25
  • SU 03410 25100

Please note that latitude/longitude coordinates are not supported, e.g. N 51° 36' 11.402'' W 1° 6' 41.085''.
